
PlotlyWidget.update_polars(patch=None, selector=None, overwrite=False, row=None, col=None, **kwargs)

Perform a property update operation on all polar objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria

  • patch (dict) – Dictionary of property updates to be applied to all polar objects that satisfy the selection criteria.

  • selector (dict, function, or None (default None)) – Dict to use as selection criteria. polar objects will be selected if they contain properties corresponding to all of the dictionary’s keys, with values that exactly match the supplied values. If None (the default), all polar objects are selected. If a function, it must be a function accepting a single argument and returning a boolean. The function will be called on each polar and those for which the function returned True will be in the selection.

  • overwrite (bool) – If True, overwrite existing properties. If False, apply updates to existing properties recursively, preserving existing properties that are not specified in the update operation.

  • row (int or None (default None)) – Subplot row and column index of polar objects to select. To select polar objects by row and column, the Figure must have been created using plotly.subplots.make_subplots. If None (the default), all polar objects are selected.

  • col (int or None (default None)) – Subplot row and column index of polar objects to select. To select polar objects by row and column, the Figure must have been created using plotly.subplots.make_subplots. If None (the default), all polar objects are selected.

  • **kwargs – Additional property updates to apply to each selected polar object. If a property is specified in both patch and in **kwargs then the one in **kwargs takes precedence.


Returns the Figure object that the method was called on

Return type
