Saving figures

All interactive figures have wrappers provide an interface for saving to images that is similar to Matplotlib (i.e. savefig()):

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
import kaleidoscope.qiskit
from kaleidoscope.interactive import bloch_disc

qc = QuantumCircuit(1)

state = qc.statevector()

fig = bloch_disc(state)

The figure size (in pixels rather than inches as in MPL), and transparency can also be set. In addition, for formats like png the scale parameter can be set to increase the physical resolution.

fig.savefig('bloch_disc.png', figsize=(800,600), scale=3, transparent=True)

Exporting as other formats

Because kaleidoscope.interactive.plotly_wrapper.PlotlyFigure and kaleidoscope.interactive.plotly_wrapper.PlotlyWidget are wrappers over their Plotly counterparts, all of the original functionality still exists. The wrappers have the original figure instance as the attribute PlotlyFigure._fig, which can be used to do things like write an image to HTML:
